História da Matemática na África (Livro de Paulus Gerdes)
Tìtulo o original: History of Mathematics in Africa: AMUCHMA 25 Years (Authors: Paulus Gerdes & Ahmed Djebbar, 924 pages in two volumes; Volume 1: 1986-1999 [ISBN 978-1-105-11807-4, 480 pp.]; Volume 2: 2000-2011 [ISBN 978-1-105-14100-3, 444 pp.]; Distribution by Lulu, Morriville NC, http://stores.lulu.com/pgerdes, Published October 27, 2011) The book reproduces the thirty-seven newsletters published by AMUCHMA (African Mathematical Union Commission on the History of Mathematics in Africa) since its birth in 1986. The book celebrates the 25 years of AMUCHMA by giving a vivid picture of the activities that took place, of the studies done, of the queries, of sources, of meetings, of lectures, of dissertations, of publications… At the end of the book are included country and name indices.
Conheça o livro: http://books.google.com.au/books?id=hMMq_FVfHx4C&printsec=frontcover&hl=pt-BR&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false
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