
Mostrando postagens de maio, 2011

Conferência Internacional em Teste Adaptativo Computadorizado (Informatizado) 2011

Este é o melhor evento internacional em Teste Adaptativo Informatizado ligado à Teoria de Resposta ao Item e outras abordagens. Segue abaixo a chamada para o evento. CTB/McGraw-Hill will host the 2011 IACAT Conference in Pacific Grove, California at the Asilomar Conference Center. This year’s event will take place October 3–5 and will host a full complement of presentations in either 20-minute or traditional poster formats, 6 keynote addresses, 3 workshops, and one invited symposium titled, "Lessons Learned from the Introduction of a CAT Program."  Additionally, IACAT President, Theo Eggen, will give a presidential address. The International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing will begin accepting proposals for its 2011 Conference in Monterey, California on February 7th, 2011. The deadline for proposals will be June 15th, 2011. Please check back during this period to submit your proposal. Previous CAT conferences were held in 2007 and 2009 and were spo...